Our Bloggers

AccessibleTravel.org brings together the world's best accessible travel writers, representing a wide range of perspectives.

Get to know the Earth’s, nay, the galaxy’s accessible travel experts

John Morris Founder

The globe-trotting founder of WheelchairTravel.org, Morris travels the world with one hand, a passport and his power wheelchair.

Globe Florida, United States

Emma Muldoon Charter member

Founder of the UK’s leading accessible travel and disability blog, Emma shares her adventure travels and life experiences as a power wheelchair user.


United Kingdom

Keyboard SimplyEmma.co.uk

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We’re always searching for accessible travel writers to join our coalition. If you’d like to add your perspective, we’d love to hear from you.

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Member Blogs

You’ve met our accessible travel experts, now meet their blogs, which are sources of the best accessible travel content you’ll find anywhere on the web.
